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February 2, 2024 - 6 minutes

Frontend Framework Showdown: Exploring the Pros and Cons of React, Angular, and Vue.js

Which one of these frontend frameworks will take the crown?


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All true artists need an array of tools to complete their work and in the case of web developers it’s exactly the same: their frameworks aid them immensely. You may not consider them to be artists, but web developers, especially on the frontend, do use frameworks to create, design, and enhance their masterpieces. Before we dive deeper into the frameworks that frontend web web developers use, let’s take a look under the hood and see what a frontend developer actually does.

What Does A Frontend Developer Do?

Entering the tech world, web developers have several career options to choose from and they include a specialization in one of three different types of web development: frontend, backend and full stack web development. 

Frontend, or client side, web development, is focused on everything that a user sees and interacts with when they enter a webpage and the developer writes all the code that designs the user interface and creates a strong user experience. The user design that they write includes the layout, visual elements, buttons, and other interactive parts of the website.

To design and create these web pages and applications, frontend web developers need to master the following skills:

  • Writing in computing languages such as HTML, Java, and CSS

  • Testing, troubleshooting, and debugging their projects

  • Web performance optimization

  • Frontend frameworks

Although the most fundamental skill for any frontend web developer is vast knowledge of  computer languages, it is also imperative for them to efficiently use frontend frameworks to streamline and optimize their creations. So, what are frontend frameworks?

Frontend Frameworks

As a crucial tool for frontend web developers, frontend frameworks provide structured, organized, and consistent code to develop their web applications from planning to deployment. They are all pre-written code that frontend web developers can access easily and insert into their own projects hassle-free. Some common features include:

  • Component-based design: frontend frameworks are about giving a variety of options to the frontend developer and thanks to modular components that build upon one another, developers can create their pages from the ground up. The components that the frameworks provide are reusable packs of code that feature different functions.

  • Consistent cross-platform codes: within a framework, code is consistent and standardized, giving the frontend web developer a streamlined edge. This makes work across platforms and among teams much easier since they can focus on aspects other than consistency. 

  • DOM manipulation: DOM, or data object model, is necessary for developers to use in their designs and frameworks sometimes have a DOM manipulation tool that allows them to optimize their rendering process and enhance the overall user interface responsiveness.

  • State management: Consistently evaluating and managing the current status of a project is essential and thanks to some tools and solutions on a framework, the developer has an easier time to make modifications or troubleshoot problems.

  • Routing: to optimize the navigation on a single-page application, frontend frameworks give their users access to routing mechanisms. Because of this feature, frontend web developers can better manage their transitions between pages and define views. 

  • Community: thanks to the large number of developers that access and use frameworks, they have created a community that supports one another on forums and third-party libraries. Collaboration amongst users is extremely helpful for coding issues, debugging, and troubleshooting.

These are just some of the basic functions found on frontend frameworks; however, there are even more available functions that make each framework unique. Let’s see the pros and cons of three different popular frontend frameworks to see which one takes the cake in the frontend framework showdown: React, Angular, and Vue.js.


Developed and run by Meta, React is an open-source Javascript library that offers frontend developers many options for components that build a user interface from the bottom up and is one of the most widely used frameworks for web developers. 

Pros of React

Component-based architecture

React boasts reusable components that do not affect other parts of the design and user interface and because of this, web developers can easily manage and manipulate their codes and designs.

Virtual DOM

Although some frameworks are direct manipulation of the DOM, React has a feature that allows web developers to render their DOM more efficiently.

Huge ecosystem

Thanks to a vast number of users that speak to, share with, and support one another, React has created an interconnected community that accesses their library, tools, and forum. Many third-party libraries, resources, and troubleshooting methods are linked through their framework too.

Cross-platform consistency

There are so many different languages across platforms and devices, but React gives users a library that is the same for both web and mobile applications, thanks to React Native. 

Cons of React

Steep learning curve

For those front end development beginners, React can be difficult to grasp, especially with features such as JSX and state management.

Constant changes

Since the code found on React is constantly evolving and developing, frontend web developers also need to constantly stay up to date and use the most cutting edge and engaging code. 


Another framework that is popular and full of features is called Angular and is maintained by Google. Although it is a Javascript framework like React, it is written in TypeScript and is primarily used to create single-page applications.

Pros of Angular

Full of features

In terms of features, Angular is ahead of the other frontend frameworks and includes MVC architecture, two-way data binding, command line interface, virtual scrolling, TypeScript, dependency injection, and directives. Angular users have everything they need right at their fingertips on this one framework.

Two-way data binding

Better connecting and synchronizing the model and view with this feature, Angular includes two-way data binding and as a result, this tool greatly streamlines development for the frontend web developer.  


TypeScript is a programming language that builds upon Javascript and enhances it; thanks to being a syntactic superset of Javascript, TypeScript allows for static typing and improves its quality and the ease with which developers can find errors in the code. 

Efficiency and productivity

Some of Angular’s features and aspects are automatic such as code-splitting and testing frameworks and their CLI and flexible templates simplify the whole process. 

Cons of Angular

Limited SEO 

Since Angular runs single-page application sites, their SEO capabilities are limited, which for some other team members could be frustrating.


Because this framework is verbose and has so many features and tools, Angular is more apt for complex apps rather than simple ones. It can also be quite difficult to learn and requires more time to master.


One of the most popular frontend frameworks available, Vue.js, is a progressive Javascript framework for designing web interfaces and unlike Angular and React, Vue was launched and developed by an individual named Evan You who receives financial contributions from other developers and businesses through OpenCollective and GitHub Sponsors. 

Pros of Vue.js


For most beginners, Vue.js is a great choice since it relies on only Javascript without any other tools and it is quite easy to integrate.

Reactivity system

Vue.js gives developers a reactive data-binding system that automatically updates the DOM when the developer adjusts any information, which helps optimize the development process.

Descriptive documentation

For anything you may not understand or need clarification on, Vue.js has your back with their detailed documentation and it’s not only for those beginners; clear and intuitive documentation can be a lifesaver even for the most veteran developers.

Integration capabilities

Since there are so many existing applications that developers use, integration with them is crucial and Vue.js makes it easy to carry it out. 

Cons of Vue.js

Smaller community

Although it's one of the more popular frameworks, Vue.js is still younger than others and without financial support from big companies, it doesn’t have the same impact yet. Also a large part of their community is from China, so a lot of their content and discussions are only found in Chinese. 


On bigger teams, too much flexibility could lead to team members leaning towards using different styles and creating potential problems on a project.

The Best Frontend Framework

The final verdict for the frontend framework showdown is that there is no one best frontend framework; it depends on so many different factors and there is no one clear winner amongst them. As a frontend developer, you need to be proficient in one of them and what’s great is that each one has a wide breadth of pros and cons, so if you try all three of them, you can determine which one best suits you. 

No matter the frontend framework, expertise in one of the many available is an essential skill that a strong web developer needs to have in their tool kit. If web development piques your interest and you’d like to work in the field using frontend frameworks like Angular, Vue.js, and React, check out the link below to Ironhack’s Web Development Course.

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