Changing The Future of Tech Education
We bring you everything from the latest news and easy-to-understand breakdowns of tech topics, to career advice and guides for navigating the industry. Everything a newbie to the tech world needs to find their feet!
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
When Julia decided to enroll in the Ironhack Bootcamp about a year ago, with the support of Zalando, she may have slightly underestimated her return. Focused at the time on the challenges the course, she admits that she is surprised at “how much can change in three months”.
4 minutes
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
Elina Nenonen completed the most recent cohort of the Web Development Bootcamp in Barcelona and was one of the first students to be part of the new campus launch. Now that she’s back home in Finland, …
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
College students and graduates share a common predicament: insufficient groundwork necessary to find a job.
3 minutes
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
Thor completed the Web Development Bootcamp in Ironhack Barcelona and has since worked as a freelancer at our campus. It’s been a pleasure having him around and seeing him program. So much so, that he’s joining our staff officially as a TA for the next Web Development Bootcamp. We took advantage of our close proximity to him to learn more about his Ironhack experience. We present to you our almost-coworker in Ironhack, Mr Thor!
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
If you are thinking about learning a programming language, or even want to become a (web) developer, there are basically two big, interrelated, hurdles that you need to overcome. The first is "which l…
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
Jimmy: Alright, so we are recording. Welcome back to another Ironhack Student Podcast, I am Jimmy. And in case you don’t know what Ironhack is we are a coding bootcamp and a UX/UI bootcamp so basically that means that if you have a curiosity to either level up your career, completely change directions of your career, recent graduate who wants to acquire a new skill or if you’re just kind of confused in what to do in life, this is something to consider. So basically, we take people from zero to 100 real quick.
4 minutes
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
In August 2018, I was an Ironhack student. Prior to this, I’d done almost no coding. I'd tried to learn on my own but would always become stuck or unmotivated. In March 2018, I attended a WeCode works…
5 minutes
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
From E-commerce to Web Development with Ironhack Amsterdam
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
According to Spain’s Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, the presence of women at universities has undergone a remarkable increase over the past few years, with nearly 55% of all enrolments in higher education coming from girls. But, why are just 12% signed up to do a degree in computer science?
3 minutes
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
From Journalism to Web Development with Ironhack Remote
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
If you are here it’s probably because you are planning or have decided to join a bootcamp. Now, after making this decision, you thought everything would be easier but the truth is that you’re faced with many more questions than before: Is it as hard as they say? Will I be able to finish it? Should I stop trying to make fetch happen? The short answer to these questions is yes.
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
At Ironhack, we like to interview career professionals in order to bring our audience real industry insight. This time we decided not to reach out to a professional or company directly, but instead we went to visit some of our former students at their new jobs to hear about their experiences first hand.
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
The JavaScript ecosystem is absolutely massive. JavaScript is everywhere and the community of developers surrounding it are constantly coming up with new tools to harness the power of the language of the Web and make it easier to build amazing things.
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
Design is a pretty vague term. When someone says they’re a designer, it can mean anything from industrial design for cars to designers who work with clothing and print media. However, in the last deca…
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
UX Design can be a very tricky field to get into. Luckily, there are plenty of amazing resources that can guide you towards the right path. We’ve created a list of the top resource we think will help …
3 minutes
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
Since the dawn of days, humans have gathered together to socialize and share, an exercise as old as time that has given us advantage over other animals. And, since the beginning of time, there has always been at least one outcast, attending the same event… geographically, at least.
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
The times are changing and now more that in the past the important key is to be able to adapt our profile obute the new tech times. Related to that trend, we want to share with you an important insight-theory linked to tech, education and of course work by Marc Collado, Campus Manager of Ironhack Barcelona. He realises that nowadays there’s an important role that has gotten more and more importance in companies, he calls it: hybrid profile.
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
You’re probably heard the word “Big Data” over a million times! This has become a huge buzzword yet few people really knew what it meant. A couple of years have passed and data has become a key stake …
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
Learning a new language, building international connections, and gaining valuable work experience are all possibilities when learning to code abroad. Spain is a country that can offer all of these opportunities.
5 minutes
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
Find the answer to your burning question right here.
5 minutes
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
” I was working in restaurants for about 7 years before I came to Ironhack— that was my first job at 16. ” Today we interviewed Josh Alexy, one of our top-performing students in our coding bootcamp t…
3 minutes
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
From International Business to UX/UI Design with Ironhack Barcelona
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
“What skills do you need to start a company?” That was the question that really initiated my career. My train of thoughts was: You design something, you build it and you sell it. And from that set, building is the key skill. You can build a bad design and not be able to sell it, but at least you have something. Without a builder you have nothing.
Ironhack - 2020-06-01
« How do you comfort a JavaScript bug? You console it. » Let it sink… Got it? No? 3 months ago, neither did I. You know, some things happen in life that are not up to you. The rest is completely up to you. I have a degree in Digital Marketing/Advertising and I have just landed a job as a Full Stack Web Developer. Crazy, right? How did I get there?