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February 27, 2024 - 5 minutes

How Tech Is Changing the World for Good 

Tech’s influence on society has skyrocketed over the past few years; from medicine to social networks, its footprint is obvious. 

Juliette Carreiro - Tech Writer

Tech News

For many of us, technology is such an integral part of our daily lives that we forget how significant its reach truly is. But throughout history, technology in all its forms has facilitated daily tasks, connected the world in ways previously unimagined, and transformed the way we function. 

In this blog, we’ll talk about how technology makes our daily lives easier and more interconnected and what to expect from tech in the future. 

Technology in our Daily Lives

It’s so ingrained in everything we do that we might not realize it, but technology plays a crucial role in practically everything we do. To make sure we fully understand its entire reach, let’s take a look at some of uses of technology that have become a regular part of our lives:

  • Setting up reminders

  • Tracking budgets/bills/investments 

  • Online shopping 

  • Virtual appointments 

  • Accessing information easily 

Starting to ring a bell? We thought so. Technology has advanced to a point where it’s simplifying the most mundane tasks, giving us more time to spend on things we want to do. 

Making life easier with technology

Have you considered what life would be like without technology? How about without access to all the information you need at any second? Probably not. Here are just a few technologies that have made our lives easier:

  • Digital communication: this is probably the most common aspect that people consider when thinking about the influence of technology on our society. Thanks to our constant state of interconnectedness, we’re able to communicate with anyone across the world in a matter of seconds. Studying abroad? No worries, you can call and text your family and friends just as if you were still home. 

  • Information access: what would you do if you couldn’t just reach into your pocket and Google any question you had? Or challenge yourself with daily trivia questions? But technology’s influence on information access isn’t limited to just this: simple access to information has also given us the ability to expand our education through online courses, chat rooms, virtual learning, instructional videos, and much, much more. 

  • Money management: we might not think of technologies like the debit and credit card as life changing, but they heavily reduced our dependence on cash. And now we have bank apps, automated payment scheduling, budgeting tools, investment tips, and much more that all help us improve our money management and knowledge of the financial market. 

  • Healthcare access: medical technologies have absolutely skyrocketed over the past few years, spurred both by the pandemic and new research. No time to go to the doctor? No problem–you can now have a remote consultation and receive doctor letters, prescriptions, medical records, and much more on your computer or phone. The digitalization of medicine also means that our records are easily accessible, facilitating communication between different providers. 

  • Exercise motivation: no time to go to the gym? Or is your monthly fee at the gym a little too high for the time you have to use it? The vast majority of gyms and studios now offer 100% online classes, letting you use your own space to complete running, bodyweight, or HIIT classes on your own. And for those with a bit of space at home, the pandemic saw an increase in at-home exercise bike sales. 

There are tons more reasons why technology has played such a crucial role in making our lives easier, but these five show how normal this technology has become; the reality is that a lot of these are relatively new technologies. 

The Benefits of Technology

Even though it’s easy to see the benefits of technology in our daily lives, the truth is that tech has had a profound effect on the world as a whole–and will continue to do so

Technology for security and safety 

There are positives and negatives to everything, and the safety and security industry knows that well. From a business standpoint, technological advances in security can protect sensitive data; from a personal perspective, technological advances in safety such as security cameras and facial recognition technology can keep ourselves and our personal information safe. 

As the world becomes even more connected, the risk of cyberthreats increases as well. Cybersecurity can help fight against cyberattacks, identify theft, data breaches, and much more. 

Technology for understanding data 

We have tons of data and information at our fingertips, but if we can’t use it, it’s useless. Technologies like Python, SQL, Tableau, and more will help you take the data you’ve gathered and use it to make smart decisions. Behind every decision is data and knowing how to interpret data is key. 

Technology for understanding the user 

Even the most innovative and creative technology is useless if it’s not designed specifically to meet the needs of a user. Have you ever stopped browsing a website because its design was frustrating or hard to understand? Understanding the user and what drives their decision is what helps us take tech to the next level. 

Technology for advancement  

The rapidly expanding and evolving technology market means that we have to be on top of the newest technologies at all times. Knowing how to create a high-quality website or app for a new product or service will not only help you stay on top of what’s going on in the tech world, but also help fill gaps that currently exist. 

The Future of Technology

Technology has advanced significantly in the past few years, but it’s not slowing down anytime soon. What should you look out for? We have a few ideas: 

  • Increased innovation: keep an eye out for even faster Internet speeds, more users, an increase in AI technologies, and much more. 

  • Expanded learning opportunities: with the simply enormous amount of information out there, our chances to learn and share our knowledge will increase. 

  • Amplified importance on IT: as IT departments start taking responsibility for making decisions thanks to the wide range of data they produce, the IT department will play an even more important role. 

What do you think is going to happen in the future of tech? Will it continue to help the world advance and stay connected? We think so and that’s why there’s never been a better time to jump into a career in tech. If you’re interested in seeing what a future in tech holds for you, start your application for one of Ironhack’s Bootcamps here.

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