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August 27, 2023 - 7 minutes

Unleashing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence: From Machine Learning to Deep Learning

Understanding artificial intelligence and technological advancements it makes possible. 


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Articles by Ironhack

Data Science & Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and deep learning are becoming increasingly common terms in our world. They’ve moved out of the realm of tech specialists and into our daily lives through tools like text assistance, face recognition technology, and chatbots like ChatGPT. These technical advances have the potential to revolutionize industries, take on complex problems, and improve efficiency in all areas of our lives. 

We’ve only just seen the basics of what AI makes possible. What would it mean to unleash the power of AI and fully embrace the potential of machine learning and deep learning? 

Understanding Artificial Intelligence

First off, let’s get clear on what we mean when we say, “artificial intelligence.” Artificial intelligence, or AI, is the process of simulating human intelligence in computers or other machines with the explicit goal of computers performing human-like tasks autonomously. These tasks include everything from learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and language understanding–functions that historically require human intelligence. 

Artificial intelligence systems are designed and trained alongside vast amounts of data in order to learn from patterns and make recommendations or decisions based on that information. Under the umbrella of AI, there are many types and techniques that let computers effectively perform tasks previously only carried out by human beings. Machine learning and deep learning are two of the most commonly utilized AI techniques and are crucial in harnessing the power of AI. 

What is Machine Learning? 

Is machine learning artificial intelligence? The short answer is yes. Machine learning, or ML, is a subset of AI that utilizes data and algorithms to imitate human activity and make predictions and recommendations based on that mimicked human behavior. 

Types of machine learning: 

There are four main techniques that machine learning utilizes in order to train algorithms and best simulate human behavior. These techniques include: 

  1. Supervised learning: 

Supervised learning trains an algorithm based on a labeled dataset, where each data point is tied to a correct label or outcome. Through having a correct answer, the algorithm learns to map out input features that correspond with output labels. Once the algorithm understands how to sort the controlled data, it’s able to make predictions on new, unseen data. 

Examples of AI and supervised learning include, fraud detection, spam detection, speech recognition, and medical diagnosis. 

2. Unsupervised learning: 

Unsupervised learning trains an algorithm based on unlabeled datasets, meaning that the algorithm’s goal is to identify patterns, structures, or relationships within the data. Unsupervised learning typically results in clustering, where similar data points are grouped together, or dimensionality reduction, where data is simplified and organized based on its essential characteristics. 

Examples of unsupervised learning include anomaly detection, recommendation services, and predictive modeling. 

3. Semi-supervised learning: 

Semi-supervised learning is essentially a combination of supervised learning and unsupervised learning. Semi-supervised learning uses both labeled and unlabeled data in order to improve the performance and predictive ability of the model. 

Examples of semi-supervised learning include text classification, medical image analysis, and situations in which obtaining a fully labeled data set is too time-consuming or expensive. 

4. Reinforcement learning: 

Reinforcement learning teaches an algorithm through controlling the environment by which the model interacts. The algorithm is taught through a carrot and stick approach, rewarding desired behaviors and penalizing incorrect actions in order to train optimal strategies and decisions. 

Reinforcement learning is commonly utilized in robotics, training autonomous systems, and in developing personalized treatment plans. 

These four techniques provide a base from which models are built in order to make strong predictions and decisions based on data. Determining which technique to utilize depends on the problem, the ability to access data, and the desired outcome. 

Applications of Machine learning: 

Machine learning is becoming widely utilized across industries in order to maximize efficiency and personalize experiences for consumers. It’s used by companies like Facebook, Google and Uber in order to improve their products and services. Other industries and applications include: 

  • Healthcare: ML aids in diagnosing diseases, developing new cures and medications, and predicting patient outcomes. 

  • Finance: ML is utilized in fraud detection, risk assessment, and plays an increasingly relevant role in algorithmic trading. 

  • Consumer experience: more and more companies turn to ML in order to better understand consumers and increase customer engagement through personalized shopping experiences and product recommendations. 

  • Manufacturing: ML helps optimize production processes through predictive maintenance, anomaly detection, and quality control practices. 

  • Marketing: ML optimize marketing decisions through predictive analysis, customer segmentation and targeting, and the personalization of product recommendations and marketing campaigns. 

In short, machine learning’s ability to process large volumes of data and transform those data sets into accurate algorithms to predict outcomes makes it an invaluable tool for optimizing organizational efforts. By leveraging ML’s capabilities, companies across industries can make stronger decisions and drive better business outcomes.  

What is Deep Learning? 

Is deep learning artificial intelligence? Again, the short answer is yes. Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning based on artificial neural networks in which multiple layers of processing are utilized to progressively extract higher level features from data. Deep learning models can recognize complex patterns and excel in tasks such as image and speech recognition, language processing, and generative tasks. 

Types of deep learning architectures 

Deep learning models are dependent layered architectures through which data is transformed. These models are composed of an input layer, one or more hidden layers, and an output layer. Each layer contains interconnected nodes (neurons) that process and transform data. Learning happens through adjusting the weights and biases of these nodes in order to minimize the difference between the model’s predictions and the actual outcomes. 

The “deep learning architecture” thus is the model’s neural network, designed to address specific tasks and data types. Deep learning architectures are often classified into supervised learning and unsupervised learning and from there, are broken down into numerous other structures. Some of the most notable architecture include: 

  1. Convolutional neural networks (CNN): are designed for visual data processing. CNNs use convolutional layers in order to learn hierarchical features from images. They’re important for image classification, image segmentation, or object detection. 

  2. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs): is a foundational deep learning network architecture. Its focus is on sequential data given that it maintains a memory of past inputs. RNNs are often used for time-series analysis, natural language processing, and speech recognition. 

  3. Long short-term memory (LSTM): networks are a type of RNN that addresses the vanishing gradient problem and are well equipped to capture long-range dependencies in sequences. 

  4. Gated recurrent unit (GRU): is also a type of RNN designed to capture sequential patterns while having a simpler structure. 

These are just a few of many deep learning architectures available. Of course, like all AI, deep learning is quickly evolving as researchers develop new architectures to improve performance across various domains. 

Applications of deep learning: 

Deep learning has been embraced across industries and has transformed our everyday lives through products like self-driving cars and virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri. A few of the most common applications include: 

  1. Autonomous systems: deep learning is what makes possible many autonomous systems like self-driving cars, drones, and robotics. Its technology enables these systems to perceive and navigate their environments. 

  2. Entertainment: deep learning continues to advance in creative industries, generating art, music, and visual effects. 

  3. Image and video analysis: is one area where deep learning has proved to dominate. From image classification and video analysis to facial recognition, deep learning methods are applied. 

  4. Natural language processing (NPL): is quickly advancing through deep learning models that support language translation, language generation, sentiment analysis, and chatbots. 

Deep learning’s ability to learn intricate patterns from data is expanding what’s possible for new technologies and scientific advancements.

Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning are related concepts, but with specific definitions and scopes: 

  • Artificial intelligence is the broader concept of creating machines or systems that can carry out tasks previously designated solely to humans. 

  • Machine learning is a subset of AI that focuses specifically on the development of algorithms and models that allow computers to learn from data sets and improve their performance over time.

  • Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that creates multilayered models in order to process, transform, and learn from large amounts of data. 

Unleashing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence

Machine learning and deep learning are undeniably having a transformative impact on the field of artificial intelligence. These advanced techniques have revolutionized the capabilities of AI systems; machine learning and deep learning have allowed organizations to confront complex problems previously considered beyond the scope of humans or machines. We’re well on our way to a future where intelligent machines play a significant role across industries and in all aspects of human life. 

Whether it's machine learning or deep learning, it’s undeniable that artificial intelligence is the future for organizations across industries. Gaining a basic understanding of the concepts is useful to all tech professionals and diving deeper into these concepts will surely prove useful as companies invest more and more into these technologies. 

If you’re interested in the topic of looking to launch your tech career, you’re in the right place. Ironhack offers bootcamps relating to data science that will prepare you to confidently step into the field. Not only will you study alongside top tech professionals, but you’ll gain the fundamentals of machine learning–something that’s unique to Ironhack, earning our bootcamp the “Intelligent Award: Best for Machine Training.” Let’s dive in! 

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