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October 22, 2023 - 7 minutes

A Day in the Life of a Tech Bootcamp Student

Discover what it’s really like to be an Ironhacker

Juliette Carreiro - Tech Writer

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You’ve heard of tech bootcamps and there’s a reason why: they’ve grown in popularity and more and more people are choosing bootcamps to get the education they need to start a career in tech. You know bootcamps are intensive, short-term, and thorough courses that focus on marketable skills so that you’re able to land a job as soon as possible post-graduation. 

In addition, you’re familiar with the topics that bootcamps usually cover, which tend to be the leading areas in tech that are in most in-demand at the moment. 

Looks like you have a pretty good understanding of what bootcamps are and why they’re a valuable way to learn the tech skills you need to land a job. But when it comes to the nitty gritty of what a day in the life of a tech bootcamp student looks like, it can be hard to imagine exactly what it’s like. 

That’s why we’ve created this guide: to help you picture what your life will look like as a tech bootcamp student, give you tips and tricks to making the most of your course, and provide a sneak peek into what Ironhack can offer you.

Ready? Let’s dive in.

What to Expect with a Bootcamp

Before we get into the actual details of your bootcamp day-to-day, let’s come at it from a more universal perspective and review general expectations you should have from your bootcamp:

  • Expect your bootcamp to be challenging: learning a completely new skill in a short period of time isn’t for the faint of heart and it’s going to be a challenge, especially if you have limited experience in the area beforehand. However, they’re completely doable (lots of people have done it before!), so don’t get discouraged if you are struggling. 

  • Expect to spend a lot of time outside of class studying: because of the fast pace of the course and the sheer amount of information you’re expected to learn, your learning won’t take place solely in the classroom; spending time outside of class at night and on the weekend learning and working on your portfolio will be necessary to make the most of your bootcamp experience. 

  • Expect to learn a lot: at the end of the day, you’re taking a bootcamp to learn! And being ready to land an entry-level job after just a few months means you’ll be facing tons of new information. Take it slow and make sure you find a pace and study strategy that works for you. 

With your expectations clearly defined, let’s head right into the good stuff: what your day as a tech bootcamp student will look like. 

A Day in the Life of a Tech Bootcamp Student

You’re in: you’ve made the fantastic choice to dive into tech and take a bootcamp to get you there. You show up for your first day (or sit down at your desk if you’re taking a remote course!) and have no idea what to expect. What will your days look like? How much free time will you have? Is there going to be more of a focus on lectures or projects where you can get your hands dirty?

The specific details will vary depending on if you’re in-person or remote, or full or part time. And, of course, it will depend on your chosen field. But this general guide will help you get a better idea of bootcamps and what to expect. 

Reviewing previously covered content

When you first head to class, expect to greet your fellow classmates and chat about what you were up to since the last class. You might take the time to review any assignments and consult with friends about any doubts you have with the class content, in addition to building connections with the other students (networking is crucial!). 

Once class starts, most days begin with a quick review of what you worked on earlier that week or in the class in general to make sure everyone is on the same page. At this time, it’s essential to speak up and raise any concerns you have. Because the course moves so fast, falling behind means you may not have time to catch up before a new topic is introduced. If you have any doubts or concerns, make sure you raise them at the beginning of the day, before you move on, so that you’re in a great place to keep learning. 

After any questions or doubts have been resolved, the teacher will move on to that day’s topic. 

New topic introduction 

It’s time to tackle a new topic! As the teacher begins with some theoretical information to help you get started on this topic, you will probably have some questions. Remember that this foundational background is necessary and although you want to dive right in, these frameworks are very important to your development as a tech professional. 

Just like in the previous section, make sure you speak up if anything doesn’t make sense or is confusing. 

Getting to work

With the foundational knowledge secured, you’ll be given a chance to put what you’ve learned into practice. It can be quite intimidating to dive right in without a lot of experience, but this is how you learn! Work slowly but surely and raise any questions that you have, collaborating with your classmates to get the job done. 

Adding experience to your portfolio will be an essential part of your application process; try to work on these in-class projects with the goal of using them in the future as part of your resume. 

Working with your classmates 

One of the most valuable parts of the bootcamp is the relationships you’ll build with your classmates and teachers; remember that these individuals are also working in tech and starting their journey as techies. They will prove to be valuable resources in the future for job opportunities, career growth, and any doubts you may have about tech-related topics, so take the time to build quality relationships with those around you–you never know when they will come in handy! 

How does an average day in a bootcamp sound?! Your specific experience will vary, but you can expect to have an incredible and transformative bootcamp experience that will help kickstart your tech career. 

If you’re ready to dive right in and get to know what a day in the life of a bootcamp student is really like with first-hand experience, Ironhack is the right place for you. Discover your perfect fit today and get started–we’ll see you in class! 

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