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20 October 2021 - 5 minutes

The top 5 differences between Bootcamps and Universities

Discover how bootcamps and universities differ–and how you can choose.

Juliette Carreiro - Tech Writer

All Courses

Performing well in almost any career requires some degree of training or education as well as experience. The range of career possibilities within the digital and tech industry is vast. From coding to data analysis to cybersecurity, IT is a broad field with many different facets. There are lots of different training opportunities available for those interested in starting a career in IT. No matter what stage of your career you are currently at, or which industry you might have some experience in so far, there is an IT path for you. There are a few fundamental differences between IT bootcamps and university courses in areas such as digital technology and computer science. These include length of study, affordability, and scope.

While university courses are extremely in-depth and allow students to specialise in a particular area, bootcamps are designed to provide the essential and most in-demand skills to get started on a particular career path. Bootcamps are generally intensive and contain a lot of condensed information, combining both theoretical and practical elements. University courses let you study a greater range of subjects in depth. They may also offer the possibility to spend a semester working for a company or studying abroad in another city.

1) Length/duration:

In the case of universities, an IT, web development, or cybersecurity qualification may take between three and five years of full-time study. As with most university courses, a bachelor's or master's degree in computer science, data analysis, or tech offers students the chance to explore a range of areas within those fields. College courses require a huge investment both in terms of time and also of money. Between college and exam fees, books, and accommodation while studying, university courses are expensive to undertake and the financial outlay can be huge over the years. Bootcamps, on the other hand, may generally be completed in a number of weeks or months. They can be studied full time or part-time. They are also more affordable than university courses and let you get started on the career ladder much sooner. Bootcamps allow you to build your practical skills in a relatively short amount of time and prepare you with hands-on skills for the working world.

2) Access and previous knowledge:

University courses let you explore a wide range of subjects and different aspects of a discipline before you can choose to specialize. This lets you test out different areas of IT, though you may not actually use all of that knowledge once you graduate and are working. One important area where bootcamps and universities differ widely is accessibility. For university courses, you generally need proof of final year exam results, or complete an entrance exam in order to be accepted. Bootcamps can be done by anyone with an interest in the subject, and there are no academic requirements to gain access. If you are wondering whether bootcamps are better than university, it normally depends on your goals and needs. For areas such as coding, they generally are. They are far more cost-effective and let you start in the job market much quicker. With areas such as coding, design, analytics or cybersecurity, gaining experience and practical skills is often more valuable than further study.

3) Theoretical vs Practical:

College courses cover a lot of in-depth theoretical information and involve written assignments such as essays and reports. Bootcamps cover the essentials and will have a strong practical element. Any submissions for a bootcamp will generally be a working example of a piece of code, for example, or a data analysis report. The emphasis is placed on results and building a portfolio, rather than writing essays.

4) Career Services: 

Completing a bootcamp will let you get started in the working world much faster. After that, it will be a case of learning on the job and gaining experience. Experience is crucial when it comes to fields such as cybersecurity, data analytics, and web development. The digital world is constantly changing and evolving. Staying up-to-date with new developments is essential, and the best way to do that is with hands-on learning. Learning to run a data analysis when developing a new web tool, for instance, is something that is best learned on the job. Once you know the basics and how to perform an analysis of the requirements for a new tool or piece of software, the best thing to do is put them into practice

5) Flexibility and location: 

Another difference between bootcamps and universities is location. Bootcamps offer the option of studying remotely, which is a huge benefit for many people. Universities require in-person attendance on campus. For this reason, you will need to live near to your place of study.

Essential Skills for IT

The demand for Tech professionals is on the rise. Developing your tech skills with a bootcamp can make your CV stand out from the crowd. A bootcamp will deliver the essential information in an intensive and compact form. Overall, the best option between bootcamps and universities depends on your long-term goals. If you want to dip your toe into an area of IT and explore it as a career option, a bootcamp is the better choice. It will equip you with essential skills and provide an overview of a topic. You can also develop further with more bootcamps in the future if you wish. Check out Ironhack bootcamps opportunities and explore a career in the dynamic world of tech.

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