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2 November 2021 - 6 minutes

Tech skills are for everyone: 5 reasons you shouldn’t fear learning a tech skill

5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Fear Learning a Tech Skill

Juliette Carreiro - Tech Writer

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Tech skills are for everyone: Five reasons you shouldn’t fear learning a tech skill

In today's world, having strong tech skills is about more than a route into the IT industry. Technology impacts all of our lives and has massively grown in its reach over the last couple of decades. Despite this, many people still feel overwhelmed by it and worried that their lack of skills in this technological world is holding them back. Are you one of these people? Does the very thought of data analytics, coding, digital marketing, software development, and cloud computing make you nervous? If so, you're not alone. At Ironhack, we can help you develop or enhance your knowledge of the technical skills that are so essential in the modern world. In doing so, you'll be developing powerful knowledge that will enhance both your professional and personal life. Still not convinced? We've put together five reasons why you shouldn't fear learning a new tech skill or further developing the ones you have.

1. Launch your career

Whatever your degree subject, taking an Ironhack Bootcamp course can enhance your career prospects or give you the skills and confidence to start your own business. Having the technical knowledge and terminology to write an engaging CV and talk confidently during an interview can only improve your job prospects in many industries while technical skills often come with a higher pay packet even at the start of your career. If you enter an industry already knowing how to code, design a web page, or analyze data, you're going to be an asset to your employers right from your first day of work. If you already have an interest in certain aspects of tech but not the in-depth knowledge you'd like, an Ironhack course can help you develop the skills you need.

A good start in tech with Ironhack

At Ironhack, we offer a range of part-time programs and bootcamps either remotely or at nine in-person locations as diverse as Madrid, Paris, Miami, and Mexico City. Our courses are intensive and fully hands-on, leaving you ready to tackle the digital world.

2. Transitioning to a better job or career

Learning new tech skills or taking your existing ones to the next level is a vital step in successfully transitioning to a new job or even a new career path. Not only do you have the benefit of new skills to apply, but having these technical skills makes you better at both multitasking and tackling the challenges of a more complex career path. Colleagues and clients will appreciate your technical confidence while having a specific skill such as security management is a plus on any CV. These skills and confidence are also going to give you a definite edge when negotiating contracts and salaries.

Hands-on skills for entering the tech industry

Immerse yourself in our Ironhack UX UI Design Bootcamp and you'll become an invaluable asset to any company's workforce. Among the tech skills you'll learn are Figma, user interface, user experience, and design thinking.

3. Step up the career ladder

If you're happy with your current employer but want to progress within the company, acquiring a new technical skill set such as product management or market analysis marks you out as a valued and well-performing employee. Someone who is happy to go that little bit further is definitely someone ready for a promotion. When you've taken this initiative to further your training, your ability to troubleshoot and solve IT problems is guaranteed to save your employer money and raise your profile even further.

Enroll in a Data Analytics Bootcamp

Take the immersive Data Analytics Bootcamp and learn Tableau, statistics, Python, and more, adding to your value as an employee. You need little previous IT knowledge to benefit from this course.

4. Launch your own business

Every business today whether online-based or not involves IT. If you're thinking of launching a business, having your own technical skills and knowledge is going to save you both time and money, reducing your dependency on expensive professionals. Build your knowledge of coding and you'll be able to build an MVP (minimum viable product) or manage the technology needed for your marketing and invoicing. Acquiring this and a range of other IT skills means you can project manage the setup of your business, using resources and people effectively.

Coding skills for a successful business

Our Web Development Bootcamp takes you from coding a favorite childhood game (remember Pacman and Asteroids?) using fundamental tools such as HTML and JavaScript to creating a full-stack web application. You'll come away with all the coding skills you need to launch a successful business.

5. Open up additional income streams

Becoming tech-savvy is one way of generating extra income. A successful blog or social media stream can generate income, or your tech expertise can be marketed as an additional income stream. Spend some time researching to see which technical skills are currently in demand and start to build a diverse IT portfolio that may include, for example, video-editing or producing gifs, graphics, and graphs for clients. Or, become an expert in cyber security and offer companies your help in protecting vulnerable systems from sophisticated threats.

Become a cybersecurity freelancer

Taking the Ironhack Cybersecurity Bootcamp gives you the hands-on skills needed to help a range of businesses identify their security weaknesses, build programs that develop Hardening techniques, and configure effective Firewalls. 

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