Head of Social Media
Marta Aguilar is a Senior Growth Marketer for Ironhack Germany. Always with her finger on the pulse of what's hot in tech, she writes about trends and how anyone can break into the industry. Connect with Marta on LinkedIn.
Marta Aguilar - 2023-07-05
Data Analytics isn't just good for business. It's good for the planet, and it's doing great things for YOU! Yes YOU! Let's see how Data is being used to change the world, and why you should be paying attention.
5 minutes
Marta Aguilar - 2022-05-09
With tons of programming languages out there, choosing just one can be tough.
Marta Aguilar - 2022-03-16
So you're interested in a Web Development career? Let's see if you've got what it takes...
Marta Aguilar - 2022-03-07
The world of technology may have been traditionally male-dominated, but the landscape is changing fast. Many of today's most exciting tech and digital startups are being driven by women. With a broade…
Marta Aguilar - 2022-03-07
We all love to browse the internet and make the most of the online world. After all, digital technologies now rule most of our lives, from social media to online banking, shopping, services booking, e…
Marta Aguilar - 2022-03-07
If you’ve been hovering around the tech industry for a while (whether you’re looking for a career transition or you love binge watching tech reviews on YouTube), chances are you’ve heard of APIs . May…
Marta Aguilar - 2022-03-07
Like every job, programming requires various tools for you to code effectively. Tools help you to work smarter instead of harder. Using the right tools will simplify your work and boost your productiv…
Marta Aguilar - 2022-03-07
When you're getting into the web and digital design field, it's important to have a grasp of the best tools out in the market. And that world is evolving constantly, giving designers the chance to wor…
7 minutes
Marta Aguilar - 2022-03-07
Women in tech are absolutely essential to success and we’re explaining why.
Marta Aguilar - 2022-03-07
Strong women in the tech world are powerful role models for young women entering the industry. However, most tech companies are still founded and led by men, with, at present, only about 5% of CEO pos…
Marta Aguilar - 2022-03-03
According to our research, Düsseldorf can be the perfect starting point to break into tech. This is because of its mature tech companies, high levels of investment, and it being home to some of German…
Marta Aguilar - 2022-03-01
Did you know that with +1.5% of growth per year, Bordeaux is one of the most attractive cities in France ? Bordeaux has many assets including its incredible architecture ( classified as a UNESCO World…