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5 April 2023 - 5 minutes

Career Changers: Making Moves

Are you ready to transition into a new role? Maybe in tech? There’s a right way to do it.

Juliette Carreiro

Tech Writer

Articles by Juliette



You’ve been at your current role for a while and don’t see any room for growth or maybe you aren’t happy with your position or boss. Making the decision to switch jobs can be challenging and you might be filled with doubt or concern about your future decisions: is it the right choice? What if you’re worse off after the switch? What if you can’t find a new job? 

These are just a few of the many questions you’ll probably ask yourself when contemplating this big decision. In this post, we’ll break down the right way to make this decision and what to keep in mind before, during, and after you make that career move. 

When to Change Jobs

The decision to change jobs is extremely personal and dependent on your specific situation but we can give you some of the best ways to determine the right time for you: 

  1. Are you both learning and adding value to the team? Even experts in the field are on a continuous learning journey, no matter how long they’ve been in the industry. If you feel that you’ve reached a wall and can’t learn more nor provide value to the team, it might be time to look for a new role. 

  2. Are you feeling stressed and tired? Negative feelings becoming more and more common is a sign that your stress levels are rising and your job is hurting your overall well being. 

  3. Do you see ways to grow professionally? If you have been at your role for a while and haven’t received a raise or a promotion, you might be tempted to see what your future holds in a different company. 

These are three main questions to ask yourself but also think about these statements and if they apply to your current role: 

  • Your work isn’t being recognized 

  • You’re earning less than others in similar positions

  • There’s been layoffs and you’re worried about your job security 

  • You can’t be yourself at work 

  • You don’t enjoy what you’re doing 

How to Change Jobs

Okay, now that you’ve decided that it’s time to change jobs, you might be wondering how to actually make that change. You can head over to LinkedIn and start browsing open positions, but the intricacies of changing jobs while still at your current role can be tough. And even if you’re eager to move on and leave this part of your life behind you, there are right ways to job  hunt. Let’s check them out. 

Use discretion 

It may be tempting to tell your work bestie about your upcoming search, but it’s best to keep it under wraps until you have a new contract signed and you’ve correctly and properly quit to your boss and HR. Even if you trust your colleagues fully, something may slip out unintentionally and lead to issues at work.

Use your own time 

You might think about using your work hours to surf LinkedIn for job opportunities, but that’s not the best way to search; use just your personal devices for job hunting and don’t schedule interviews or phone calls during the work day, especially if you work in-office.

Make smart decisions 

If the company with which you’re interviewing asks for references, don’t give them the name of your current boss. And while you’re free to use networking sites to find your next role, don’t post about your active job hunt. 

Continue working hard 

Staying focused when you mentally have one foot out the door is nearly impossible, right? We get it, but what if your new job opportunity falls through? Or you simply can’t find a role that you want to apply for? Or need your current boss to write you a recommendation in the future? It’s tempting to burn bridges but it’s best to maintain professionalism throughout the entire process. 

FAQs about looking for a new job

Still not sure about how to find a new job or how to handle yourself at your current role? We got you covered: 

Should I tell my boss? 

Every situation is unique, but our general response is no. You might feel like warning your boss to let them know you’re unhappy or even to help prepare them for your upcoming departure, but the reality is that you’re putting your current job at risk by telling them. No one could blame them for finding a new person for your job if you tell them you’re leaving and they’ll act with the company’s best interests at heart. 

What if my boss finds out? 

Depending on how secretive you’re being or where you’re looking for new opportunities, there is a chance your boss will find out that you’re thinking about resigning. And as scary as that idea is, the truth is that it’s a natural part of corporate life and it’s not the end of the world. Be honest and don’t try to lie; your boss will appreciate it.

When do I tell my boss? 

Generally speaking, you want to wait until you have a signed offer from a new company before informing your boss. Keep in mind that even if you have received a verbal offer from the new company, it could fall through; waiting until you are absolutely certain about your new opportunity can help you avoid less than desirable situations. 

Do I tell the prospective company I’m currently employed? 

Like we mentioned before, switching jobs is a completely normal part of the professional world and your prospective employer will understand and respect that you are currently employed and need to continue doing your job. Be honest about your availability and show your prospective employer that you take your job seriously.

I thought I would like my current job but I don’t. How can I ensure this one will be better? 

The grass is always greener on the other side, right? If you’re worried about taking another job that’s going to turn out the same as your current role, take the time to make a list of your concerns and priorities and then talk about your concerns with your future employer and make sure you are making a rational decision. 

Making the decision to switch jobs or even industries can be quite daunting, but it’s a completely normal and typical thing that happens daily. That said, there are ways to do it right and we hope you’ll follow our advice. If you’re aware it’s time for a change but aren’t sure what your next steps are, consider a career in tech. 

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