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26 de janeiro de 2023 - 5 minutes

So...You've Graduated from Ironhack. Now what? 

Whether it’s your first job in tech or that promotion you’ve always wanted, we’re here to guide you through the process. 

Juliette Carreiro

Tech Writer

Articles by Juliette


Congratulations! You’ve done what might have felt like the impossible at some point and successfully completed your Ironhack bootcamp. But now what?! No worries, your support from Ironhack doesn’t stop here. 

Ironhack’s Career Services: Careerhack

As a graduate of our bootcamps, you’ve been through Careerhack - but that’s not over quite yet. Although Stage 2.2 of Job Hunting begins during the bootcamp, connecting you with hiring partners that are looking for new talent can occur even after graduation if you haven’t found the perfect fit just yet. And because we’re focused on making the best possible match for both you and the company, we take the following preferences into account when scheduling interviews: 

  • Location

  • Language

  • Hard & soft skills 

  • Experience 

Next steps for getting into tech 

If you’re stuck and trying to decide the right path for you, follow these five steps: 

  1. Gain experience: getting a job in tech for the first time can seem like a challenge, but we promise that it’s possible. But if you’re having trouble getting your foot in the door, try to find new ways to gain experience, be it as an online freelancer, helping your professor with a project, or working with a local business. 

  2. Build your portfolio/CV: while you were at Ironhack, you completed projects that were designed to both give you real world experience and help create a portfolio for interviews. Remember that many jobs in tech require a wide range of skills, so don’t be afraid to mention other job experiences on your resume. 

  3. Find a mentor: there’s no better way to get started in tech than with a mentor that can share real experiences and tips and tricks. If you don’t know where to start, try reaching out to your Ironhack teacher or forming connections on LinkedIn. 

  4. Network: just like with finding a mentor, networking may be your secret weapon. Reach out to any connections you may have, fellow Ironhack alumni, or attend online or local tech conferences to make connections. 

  5. Polish your hard and soft skills: tech professionals need a lot more than just coding experience; they need to know how to work on a team, problem solve, and much more. Ensuring that both your hard and soft skills are ready for action will make you a more attractive candidate. 

Your Tech Career 

You’ve landed that job in tech - congratulations! And maybe after some time on the job, you’re looking to try something new, like a different position. Or you’ve made such great progress that you’re looking for a promotion. These two moves require different processes and can be tough conversations to navigate, so make sure you follow our advice.

Next steps for seeking an internal move

You may be asking yourself why you would want to request an internal move, but it’s quite simple and could be for any of the following reasons: 

  1. You think you’re better suited for a different role 

  2. You don’t see growth opportunities in your current role 

  3. You see an opening in a different department or role and are intrigued

Do any of these ring a bell? We thought so. Now it’s time to ask your boss for the transfer. It can seem quite daunting at first, but it’s actually quite common. Take note of these tips: 

  • Do your research: you’re going to have to show your boss that you are prepared for the transfer and that it will truly benefit the company. And most importantly, that you’re equipped for the change. Highlight any of your skills that would be useful and what your new trajectory would be.

  • Gauge current need: even the most perfect transfer request can be denied if there’s simply no opening or need for a new person in that role. Timing is everything; if you wait until there’s an opportunity, there’s a better chance your boss will approve it. 

  • Be very specific: you need to show your boss that you’re serious and that will be communicated by sharing exactly what you want; the more you have prepared, the better your request will be received. Asking about moving to a specific role and not just a general department will also help your case.

  • Keep it professional: we hope your boss won’t take it personally, but it’s possible. By approaching the situation from a strictly professional perspective, you’ll eliminate the risk of it seeming like a personal attack on your current boss and team. 

Next steps for getting a promotion

On the other hand, if you’ve been at your role for a while and are looking to get ahead, it might be time to ask for a promotion. If you can answer yes to any of these questions, it’s time to consider it: 

  1. Have you been in your role for a bit and want more responsibilities? 

  2. Are your current tasks beyond what’s listed in your job description? 

  3. Are you ready for a new challenge? 

  4. Can you build a good case for yourself? 

Once you’ve decided that it’s time to ask for a promotion, it’s time for the hard part: actually asking for the promotion! It’s a nerve-wracking yet completely normal part of the working world. Follow these tips: 

  • Prepare your case: when you approach your meeting with your boss, it’s absolutely essential to have a solid case. Explain to your boss why you’re deserving of a promotion, how you’re ready for new responsibilities, and your professional goals. 

  • Don’t compare yourself to others: it can be tempting to point out your capabilities as compared to co-workers, but that can be a bit dangerous. Instead of putting yourself up against colleagues, stick to just describing why you’re the best person for the promotion. 

  • Choose your timing carefully: there are most definitely good and bad times to ask for a promotion. Is the company going through layoffs? Not the best time. Bringing it up at your annual or semi-annual review will give your boss ample time to consider your request. 

  • Balance being flexible and firm: it’s possible that your boss rejects your request and that’s okay. Learn from that experience and come back even more prepared the next time. However, it’s crucial to know both your worth and value; try to come up with an actionable plan with your boss to plan a promotion. And if your boss is firmly against the idea, maybe it’s time to look elsewhere. 

Do you think you’re ready to make the next step in your professional journey? Whether it’s an internal move or a promotion, your experience at Ironhack will help you be prepared for whatever that next challenge might be.

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