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11 October 2021 - 3 minutes

The experience of studying a Remote bootcamp at Ironhack

From Sales Assistant to Data Scientist with Ironhack Remote


Changing The Future of Tech Education

Articles by Ironhack



Meet Maximilian Soeren Pollak , who is not only one of our Ironhack Alumni but also the Hackshow Winner of his Data Analytics Bootcamp in August. We took the chance to interview him and find out more about his remote experience. 

Why did you choose to join Ironhack and break into tech? Was there a key moment that helped you to make this decision? 

When I decided that a bootcamp would be the right step for me, I looked for different ones offered by the tech schools present in Germany. Ironhack was one of the only schools that offered bootcamps in English as well as Remote and is verified by the German Government to use the “Bildungsgutschein” there. To be honest, there wasn’t a single key moment that I could pin-point. It was more of a gradual realisation that there could be more done with a computer than just playing games and browsing the Web. I was curious to explore the different opportunities.

How did a Remote Bootcamp fit into your plan? Why did you choose Remote instead of an on-campus bootcamp?

Learning remotely was great. I would choose it anytime again instead of being on campus. You have the ability to stay late into the night if you want to. On top of that you don’t waste any time commuting and with today’s technology it felt almost like you were in a room with the other people.

And what was important for me as well, with the bootcamp being remote I got the opportunity to get to know people from all over Europe, which wouldn’t be possible with an in person Bootcamp.

What was your best moment at Ironhack?

I would say the best moment was when I was able to help my classmates with their project or any exercises and to see their appreciation and that they understood what I taught them. In general, being with like minded people and experiencing our development together was pretty amazing and motivating. 

You won the Hackshow with your project. Can you tell us a bit about it?

It’s a bit complicated to understand, but I will try my best. I created a web based app that will look through over 5k of dividend paying stocks, and select the best of them (based on Yield) in regards to many filters and parameters you pick. It then will calculate how many of each stock you need and how long (in years) it would take you can reach your goal with that investment strategy. I chose to develop something that sparks joy for me and fits in my interests. 

What are you aspiring to do next with your new skills?

I want to improve my Hackshow project further, and implement new functions and make it overall better. My plan then is to find a Python based Software Engineering position in a Startup or Scaleup where I can help them flourish.

Thank you for being so open about your experience. Do you have recommendations for anyone who is thinking about changing their life with Ironhack and tech?

I would say that learning about Tech can benefit everyone, not just people who want to work in tech later, but also people that just want to level up their career path they have now. Make sure that the Bootcamp you do is the one that will give you the best chance of doing what you imagine in the end. Make sure that you are in the right mindset when you start the Bootcamp. It’s not an easy venture but one that is for sure worth it!

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