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May 28, 2024 - 6 minutes

Finance Your Coding Bootcamp with the Bildungsgutschein 

Learn how to financing your bootcamp with the Bildungsgutschein

Juliette Carreiro - Tech Writer


Looking for a way to finance your tech bootcamp in Germany? Look no further: our courses are officially certified and can be fully financed with the German Bildungsgutschein (educational voucher). Your future is worth more than a course fee and financial resources shouldn't get in the way of your ambitions.

Our bootcamps in Web Development, UX/UI Design, Data Analytics, Cybersecurity, Data Science & Machine Learning, DevOps & Cloud Computing, and Artificial Intelligence Engineering are designed to prepare you to enter the workforce as a skilled techie, ready to fill the need for tech professionals with marketable skills. 

We also know that each Ironhacker is different and has different needs when it comes to their learning journey and that’s why after years of experience with in-person courses, we’ve also launched remote bootcamps, as well as full and part time options. Our remote courses achieve the same learning outcomes and are in no way less engaging or interactive than our in-person courses. 

Join our strong Ironhack community and study in person or in live virtual classrooms where you can meet and interact with your classmates and instructors; teaching assistants will be available to answer your questions and provide you support during learning sessions whenever you need. 

The Bildungsgutschein 

The state-approved Bildungsgutschein (educational voucher) can help you finance your remote or in-person bootcamp on our Berlin campus and continue your education–free of worries and debt. 

Bildungsgutschein requirements

Ready to move forward? To qualify for funding, you must be registered in Germany and meet one of the following requirements:

  • Receive benefits from the Arbeitslosengeld I unemployment program

  • Receive SGB II (Hartz IV) benefits

  • Be on on Kurzarbeit (temporary employment)

  • Be unemployed with a completed apprenticeship or 3 years of work experience

  • Be a jobseeker or employee at risk of redundancy

  • Be a fixed-term employee whose employment contract is due to expire

Once you have been granted the Bildungsgutschein, the German voucher will cover all the tuition costs of your chosen remote or Berlin bootcamp.

Applying for the Bildungsgutschein

Applying for the Bildungsgutschein is simple; follow the steps below:

Make an appointment for a personal consultation at your local Agentur für Arbeit or Job Center

Now it's time to convince your agent at the Agentur für Arbeit or Jobcenter to grant you the Bildungsgutschein! Explain why taking one of our bootcamps is essential for you and your future career. Your motivation and motives are crucial here–after all, they want to know whether it's worth funding you.

Apply for the remote or German bootcamp of your choice on our website

Once you have successfully completed Ironhack’s application process (personal and technical interview) and have been accepted to the bootcamp, we will give you the official educational offer for it, as well as your participation contract.

Communicate with Ironhack 

If you have received the Bildungsgutschein from the Agentur für Arbeit or Jobcenter, share the good news with us! Let our Admissions Manager know about it and our Admissions Manager will be happy to sign and stamp your Bildungsgutschein.

Get studying!

Congratulations! Your tuition fees are now fully covered by the Bildungsgutschein. Now there is nothing holding you back from continuing your education and entering the tech industry. 

Get ready for a new chapter and be excited to become part of the strong Ironhack community. 

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