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September 27, 2022 - 4 minutes

From Architecture to UX/UI Design with Ironhack Düsseldorf

Rosa kickstarted her career in UX/UI design with Ironhack Düsseldorf, leaving architecture behind.

Frida Chacin Kulak

Tech Writer

Articles by Frida



UX/UI Design

Choosing the right career for us isn't just about the field itself: its culture will also impact our lives. Many people that pivot into tech seek more flexible workplace cultures, or a different type of fulfilment from their job.

We talked to Rosa, a former architect from Düsseldorf with a passion for volunteering, who became an Ironhacker by completing one of our bootcamps and subsequently becoming a UX/UI Design Consultant.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I'm Rosa, I'm 29 years old, and I come from the Architecture sector. I studied my Bachelor's and Master's in Architecture in Düsseldorf and Munich. I love to travel, I've visited many countries: I did a semester abroad in Ljubljana, I went to New Zealand to work and travel, and after I finished my studies, I spent some time in India and completed yoga teachers' training. I also enjoy volunteering: during my Bachelor's I helped build a youth theatre. Last year, I built a camper van with my husband to go explore Europe.  

In my free time, I love to do sports, such as running, bouldering or hiking. In the morning I always start the day with some yoga practice, too. 

What were you doing before you decided to join an Ironhack bootcamp?

Before Ironhack, I quit my Job in an architecture office and tried to figure out what to do, and I came across the UX/UI Bootcamp and was really interested. I enrolled and before it started I self-studied a bit in Figma and tried to get ready.

Why did you decide to make a career change?

I was not happy with my previous career. I wanted to work in more flexible, less conservative structures. 

What convinced you that Ironhack was the right choice for you?

I heard about it in a podcast. I liked the idea of a different structure than in more classic studies, especially because I already spent some time getting my Bachelor's and Master's. I liked that it seemed really close to practical experience, so you get a good preparation for the real work experience.

What was your experience like on the course?

I got along with most of the other students: everybody was nice and brought some new insights from their different backgrounds. My instructor, Juno, and Teacher's Assistant, James, were super nice– I always had the feeling I learned a lot and didn't need to hesitate to ask something. They gave great insights besides the Ironhack materials, sharing lessons from their real-life experience, which was super helpful. 

What interests you most about your bootcamp topic, UX/UI?

I love the psychological aspect of it: thinking about how people use the product, and figuring out what they actually want or need, instead of designing what I think is going to be good for them. And then, being creative and building something for them to use intuitively. For me, it's about the process, which is super fun and interesting because I don't just create something– I learn so much during every Design Thinking process.

Did you take advantage of Ironhack’s career services? How did your bootcamp prepare you for the job market?

I was always in close contact with my career coach, Inese. it was super helpful to have someone to ask if you don't know how to handle a situation. The best part of the career week was the preparation of my CV and LinkedIn. 

I felt really well-prepared to know how to talk in an interview and how to show my skills and background. 

What have you been up to since graduating?

The job hunt went well! After less than 2 months of "hunting", I had 3 job offers and could pick the one I liked the most. 

What are you looking forward to in the future?

I'm excited about my new career path, and working in a cool team with great people in a flexible work environment: I look forward to learn something new every day, and get great insights from all kinds of people with different backgrounds and interests. 

Interested in switching careers to UX/UI Design, like Rosa did? Take a look at our bootcamp!

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