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June 1, 2020 - 4 minutes

From Au Pair to Web Developer with Ironhack Paris


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Articles by Ironhack

In August 2018, I was an Ironhack student. Prior to this, I’d done almost no coding. I'd tried to learn on my own but would always become stuck or unmotivated. In March 2018, I attended a WeCode workshop where I learned the very basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. After the event and speaking to Ironhack staff/alumni, I applied for the course and was given access to the prework.

I spent a lot of time doing the prework and online code challenge on codewars because I wanted to be prepared. I also attended two hackshow (where students who have just finished the bootcamp present their final projects) prior to starting the course to see what was possible. After both of the hackshows, I was so excited to start . It was incredible getting to see what students could build after nine weeks of coding.

Ironhack Student

I LOVED my time as a student; however, it was really tough and some days were more difficult than others. Knowing that everyone else in the class was going through the same thing and the fantastic teaching team really made it easier to keep going.

During class, there would be a mixture of lessons and exercises; some exercises would be individual, but most exercises would be paired. For each paired exercise, students would be assigned to work with someone different which was beneficial: everyone at Ironhack has a different background and everyone has their own strengths.

During the bootcamp, there were three projects. Project 1 is a browser based game created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; Project 2 is a full stack application (using Node.js); Project 3 is a full stack application using Node.js and React.

As a student, Project 2 was my favorite project. I really enjoyed learning about the backend and how everything linked together; it was interesting to cover the basics of security, learning how data was stored and how to retrieve it.

TAs at Ironhack

One week after the bootcamp finished, I started as a TA  and imposter system was real. I wasn’t sure where to start helping and wasn’t confident I could explain course concepts. But after three cohorts, I’ve learned a lot and accepted that it’s okay not to know everything.

Here are a few things I’ve learned as a TA:

  • Everyone is able to code. It doesn’t matter what your background is or how old you are. If you’re willing to put the time and effort into coding, it’s possible. You don’t need a fancy computer and you can learn from home if you can’t commit to an in-person bootcamp.

  • Building things is the best way to learn. Building something that you want to create is important because you’re more likely to go back to it. You’ll constantly be learning; this means you can constantly improve what you’re building.

  • Don’t be afraid to break your code. Breaking your code is one of the best ways to learn and understand what is happing. Trial and error is an important part of knowing how to solve a problem

  • Explaining a complicated concept in a simple way really helps you understand it

  • Learning never stops . You’ll always need to look up how to solve a problem. There will always be things that you don’t understand and asking for help is encouraged.

  • You have complete freedom over what you learn . If you’re interested in something specific, find some articles, build something to practice it, or attend events. Programming is a really broad field and you’re never going to know everything so take the time to pick what you’re truly interested in.

  • Taking breaks is important. If you’re stuck and unable to solve a problem, taking a break from the computer can be really helpful. Coming back to it after 10 minutes with a clear mindset can really help.

  • Use github to track your progress. You’ll be able to review the code that you’ve done previously to see how much you’ve improved and if you’re looking for a job, it will show employers what you’re capable of doing. You can even host a static site on github for free.

  • Attending events is a cool way of getting to meet people who are working in the industry. You’ll meet people of all levels and can learn a lot from them.

I’ve seen so many people go through the Ironhack bootcamp. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it. You get to meet some really cool people who all have different backgrounds and people you normally wouldn’t get to meet; you get to build up a support network from not only the people you learned with, but also with previous students and future students.

There is no right or wrong way when when it comes to learning to code. It just takes time, effort, and dedication.

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