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June 1, 2020 - 4 minutes

How Coding Bootcamps Crush the College Grad Unemployment Problem

Bootcamp grads learn the most up-to-date skills and immediately enter the job market.

Ironhack - Changing The Future of Tech Education

Today’s job market is quite complex and competitive. With layoffs hovering over many major companies and the rising costs of university education, not to mention the introduction of AI technology, it can be hard to know exactly what the best route is. Should you go into debt for a college degree? Or are there other ways to learn what you need to know to be competitive in today’s job market? 

These questions are on the top of everyone’s minds and it’s pretty obvious why. And the answers? Well, it’s pretty complex, but we can safely say that bootcamps are a great solution for those looking to save money, enter the workforce quickly, and learn today’s most in-demand skills.

And what are today’s most in-demand skills? From anthropologist to zoologist, every job will slowly require more and more technical knowledge: whether it’s creating small applications that will help you interpret large data sets to developing new technology-enhanced ideas, the future of all careers will require a working knowledge of technology and, more specifically, computer programming.

According to Business Insider, we can expect the future growth of these jobs to look like this:

  • Network and computer systems administrator: 8% growth

  • Data scientist: 16% growth

  • Software engineer: 17% growth

  • Information Security Analyst: 18% growth

  • Computer Systems Analyst: 21% growth

  • Web developer: 27% growth

Those numbers look good, right? That’s because skilled tech professionals with practical experience are in high demand. But don’t panic: you won’t need to spend tens of thousands of dollars or quit your current role: there’s a smart shortcut and it’s called a coding bootcamp.

The Real Deal About Ironhack’s Coding Bootcamp

Our web development bootcamp is an intensive program intended for the most motivated individuals. In just a few weeks, you’ll learn a couple of years worth of learning and practical experience–in addition to preparing you for the job hunt. 

The objective of Ironhack’s coding bootcamp is to get our graduates hired as junior developers ASAP:

  • We’re quite proud to say that our hard work in creating a network of companies that actively hire Ironhack graduates is paying off. 

  • We employ a high percentage of our graduates within the first 4 months after finishing a bootcamp. 

  • Some of them find their first role within the first couple of weeks after graduation.

The reason this is possible is simple: bootcamp students supercharge their education by making learning to code their full-time job. And for those students who can’t commit to a full-time bootcamp, we also offer part-time options so that you can continue to work and study. 

The real deal

We’re not going to sugarcoat it: bootcamps are not easy. You will face self-doubt, uncertainty, exhaustion, and more work than you faced during your previous studies. This bootcamp will make you sweat, and it’s only for the most motivated future techies.

What do we mean by this? Well:

  • You will be challenged every day to learn everything from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to the “MEAN STACK” which includes MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js.

  • There is no hand holding. While there is no physical training in coding bootcamps, you are still subject to a daily grind of coding and you will be expected to keep up and ask for more. 

  • Bootcamps, while cheaper than traditional educational paths, such as university degrees, are still a financial investment that should be taken seriously. 

Bootcamps are an investment in leveling up your career, beefing up your resume and differentiating yourself from every other candidate. But wait, there’s more: Ironhackers also get support from our Career Services support to help spruce up your resume, make you a more attractive candidate, and prepare you for interviews.

In the end, the reward is learning valuable tech skills and leveling up your career. At Ironhack, you will “learn how to learn,” which is the primary skill that will open up tens of thousands of doors for you around the world. You will become so resourceful that there won’t be a problem you can’t solve–and companies like hiring problem solvers.

Recent College Graduates & Coding Bootcamps

There aren’t too many recent grads that are jumping at the idea of going back for another four years, but graduates in these situations may find themselves considering a bootcamp: 

  • When they can’t find a job that puts their degree to good use

  • When they studied something that they never really cared about 

  • When the jobs that are available in their industry require more technical knowledge than they have

Getting a Job with Ironhack

Wondering how Ironhack’s Career Services work with students to help them land a job in their chosen field? It’s very simple–but far from easy:

  • Only the most motivated students are accepted into an Ironhack Bootcamp

  • Our course curriculum is designed to deliver the skills that companies are looking to hire

  • Ironhack works extremely hard to develop strong relationships with local hiring partners

  • Students get continuous career support during and after the bootcamp

When you mix those three items you get highly motivated junior developers with precisely the right technical skills to be efficient problem solvers.

“Our students come from different walks of life, but they all share the same passion and enthusiasm to create things and make a difference in the industry. That is the reason why our hiring partners love our graduates, not only because of their craft, but also this ambitious attitude you don’t usually see in other people.”

-Marc Collado, Ironhack Barcelona Campus Manager

This is the formula that keeps our hiring partners coming back to Ironhack for the most recent batch of graduates. Are you ready to join in and kickstart your dream tech career? Check out our bootcamps and find the right fit for you. 

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