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January 27, 2023 - 4 minutes

Ironhack Paris Launches its International Talent Matching Service

Intensive training courses in the tech sector: in-person, online, or hybrid bootcamps.

Juliette Carreiro - Tech Writer



Ironhack, one of the main training organizations in tech, has launched a new service allowing students to undergo intensive training in Web development, UX/UI design, data analysis, or cybersecurity and then be recruited within a network of more than 600 partner companies worldwide. 

"This year, we have decided to place more emphasis on the international dimension of Ironhack. This is both a considerable asset for our students and our partner companies, and a response to the growing demand we are seeing in each country where we are present. As all our courses are in English, our students can take courses in Paris as well as in Barcelona or Miami and then be hired in São Paulo or Berlin, depending on their wishes and the positions they are looking for."

Ironhack: the Center of Tech Talent

Ironhack has been disrupting tech since 2013 with 10 campuses spread over 3 continents in Europe, South America, and North America. In total, more than 10,000 students have graduated from Ironhack’s bootcamps, including more than 1,400 in France alone. 

Ironhack's strength also lies in its network of partner companies, which today includes more than 600 recognized companies, including Fortune 500 companies as well as SMEs, start-ups, and agencies. 

"All of Ironhack's teams around the world work with students to develop their talents and help companies hire by increasing the diversity of their workforce. This fluidity allows our students to be hired in the best companies around the world very quickly after the validation of their curriculum," concluded Manon Pellat, General Manager at Ironhack.

Online and/or in-person classes 

All students can choose from remote courses or a full-time or part-time bootcamp at one of our 10 campuses around the world; courses are taught in either English or the local language to prepare students for employment in the tech sector. Each student benefits from personalized support throughout the bootcamp, which includes career coaching during their search for employment, thanks to our teachers and our dedicated career services.

A pool of renowned companies 

Ironhack boasts a network of more than 600 companies that recruit year round for positions in the tech sector including Accenture, Amazon, Criteo, Zalando, Microsoft, Samsung, Airbus, American Express, BackMarket, Capgemini, Cdiscount, Engie, Fleet, GRDF, Mirakl, Payfit, Swile, Thales, ManoMano, Google, Visa, Twitter, Orange, and more. 

Ironhack Alumni

Marion Choisy

Marion is French and completed Ironhack’s remote UX/UI Design bootcamp. Today, she is a Product Designer for a digital platform and lives in Madrid, Spain.

"I started Ironhack’s remote UX/UI Design bootcamp in October 2020. I chose Ironhack because I had only heard very positive feedback. Moreover, the training is particularly well known in Spain where I live. I preferred to do the training remotely because it allowed me to better balance my professional and personal life. Doing the course in English allowed me to brush up on my language skills, prepare myself to work in an international environment, and meet other students from different countries, which was very enriching. You learn different ways of approaching subjects depending on culture and education; it allows you to expand your point of view and learn new ways of working and understanding concepts. When you work in a team with people from different backgrounds, your knowledge base becomes immense! And the "small talks" during the group work are particularly interesting because we learn a lot about other cultures. Through Ironhack, I developed a large network in Europe, of course, but also in the US with other alumni. There is a lot of mutual support between former Ironhackers."

Guillaume Huchet

Guillaume is French and attended the UX/UI Design bootcamp in Paris. Today, he is Head of Design for a startup and lives in Paris, Sofia, and London. 

"I chose the UX/UI bootcamp in Paris in English because coming from graphic design, I wanted to learn what I was missing to get a job and have better growth options in tech. The concepts of UX/UI were totally new to me and it was a way to give meaning and value to my work. My choice to do the bootcamp in English came first from the fact that there are a lot of anglicisms in most of the UX/UI terms we use every day, which provides a clear advantage. It was also an opportunity to improve my English level and meet other designers from different nationalities, enriching both my personal and professional experiences. It’s an opportunity to discover other cultures and maybe even some other design issues that are sometimes specific to each country. I strongly recommend doing an English bootcamp for all these reasons. I loved the international aspect of the school and it confirmed my desire to work in another country. After the bootcamp, I worked for a year and a half between Munich and Paris for a design agency as a product designer. Today, I work for a startup, alternating between Paris, Sofia, and London as Head of Design/Product Designer."

Are you interested in kickstarting your tech career with Ironhack and becoming the next big thing in tech? We’re waiting for you!

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